About medialaunch.com.au


the intelligent press release that turns into a newsletter 

The press release is no longer just limited to being faxed to the editor of the local paper as a oncer where it might generate coverage depending on the availability of space or other events happening at the time.

www.medialaunch.com.au has been designed to provide business with the opportunity to take advantage of the Internet by creating the Intelligent Press Release that can be dispatched electronically to any media outlet in the world within minutes including pictures, text, audio interviews, background briefing notes, web links and company contact numbers.

Just imagine the added advantage you will gain when your medialaunch turns your press release automatically into a newsletter which you can use to generate leads 24 hours a day.     

If you have an existing business which is not cutting through and sales are flat lining or falling look at re-launching your business with a medialaunch and give it a new buzz.

  • Product Launches
  • New Business
  • Re-Launch of Business
  • Shops
  • Home Business.
  • Festivals, Events.
  • Community Awareness Campaigns
  • Schools
  • Country Towns
  • Sporting Clubs

medialaunch.com.au combines the integration of publicity with ongoing marketing newsletters and customer intelligence making it a powerful easy to manage one stop shop for your own online newsroom and marketing newsletter which will save you time and money.

medialaunch.com.au  Pty Ltd
PO Box 2412  Kew Victoria 3101